Curve (CRV) Total Value Locked (TVL) and Historical Data

Curve Total Value Locked (TVL), Historical Charts, TVL History, Token holders & others information.

Key Stats

Total Value Locked

TVL in USD$ 7.105B
TVL in BTC73.694K BTC
TVL in ETH1.938M ETH

Total Value Locked (USD) in Curve Curve

Token Information

Website Twitter

Governance Token

Name Price Volume h24 Circulating Supply Market Cap % 24h7d Graph(USD)


Curve DAO Token

$ 0.4964 $ 147.130M1,286,426,937 CRV $ 638.582M -6.04% Currency History CRV

What is Curve?

This is a highly efficient decentralized Ethereum exchange liquidity pool designed for stablecoin trading. This protocol was set up in early 2020. Among other things, it allows users to trade between stablecoins. This with low fees and a low slip algorithm.