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Rank | 280 |
Volume (24H) | $ 5.473M |
Market Cap | $ 40.770M |
Circulating Supply | 1,885,500,782 |
Max Supply | 1.886B |
Total Supply | 1.886B |
Circulating Supply | 1.886B |
Volume (H24) | $ 5.473M |
Volume (7D) | $ 181.310M |
Volume (30D) | $ 251.038M |
All Time High | $ 0.140388 |
Market Cap Dominance | 0.00% |
% Of supply in circulation | 99.98% |
Site | Link |
Explorer | Link |
Whitepaper | Link |
Chat | Link |
Name | Pair | Price | Volume (H24) |
CoinEx | NCT/USDT | $ 0.024539 | $ 3.264K |